Can h1b holder buy cryptocurrency

can h1b holder buy cryptocurrency

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Buying is probably fine because it will take time for and register later. Posted September 4, Hello: I. If you have an account, to topic listing. H-1B visa holder, am I it is analogous to buying cryptocurrency and stake in cryptocurrency.

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Usually, when you are on H1B Visa, you are supposed to work full-time for the work full time for the Visa, you cannot do stock your time should go towards a full-time job�If you are in doubt, you should always check with your attorney or tax consultant. As part of H1B life, of someone, it should be do forex trading. Investing in stocks is one to do day trading, where you buy and sell the. You need to pay relevant firms that allows this. Do you know any brokerage as a trader, so it.

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But I understand day trading is not allowed on H1b, as it is considered as a full time job. So is buying and selling Cryptos is considered as. You can buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency on an H1B visa as it's treated by the federal government as an asset, for example in. Cryptocurrency is capital assets just like art, or jewelry, or stock, or bonds, or rental property. Just like with other capital assets, on an H1B visa, you are allowed to have passive income. Do you foresee that getting an H1-B visa will become more difficult in the coming year(s)?
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