Kim jong un bitcoin

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Cryptocurrency attacks by North Korea South Korean cryptocurrency jnog Yapizon were compromised, though FireEye noted traditional cyber-spying techniques in an Korea the ability to launder money without being detected.

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North Korea, ruled by third-generation dictator Kim Jong Un, has been accused by US and UN officials of orchestrating an escalating campaign. Naturally, there are widespread rumors that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is behind some of the wild price swings of bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Yes, to be clear � last year, stealing cryptocurrency was North Korea's primary form of foreign currency income. Kim Jong Un celebrated this.
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At the same time, North Korea can take advantage of the investments or illicit gains in relative anonymity, thanks to the lack of oversight and decentralized properties of cryptocurrencies. The same attackers attempted to create and market a fraudulent blockchain platform, the Marine Chain Token, in and Home Page. In addition, the hackers are accused of targeting hundreds of cryptocurrency companies and stealing tens of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency. Yes, to be clear � last year, stealing cryptocurrency was North Korea's primary form of foreign currency income.