Metamask binance smart chain app

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How To Connect Metamask To Binance Smart Chain (2022)
BNB Smart Chain is already configured as a popular network in MetaMask, so adding it is straightforward. Click 'Add network' and head to the '. Step 2: Wallet Configuration � On the Settings page, select �Network� � To add Binance Smart Chain (BSC) manually, click �Add Network� in the upper-right corner. This will allow us to interact and use the decentralized applications (DApps) that are only available on the BNB Smart Chain. 1. Go to [Ethereum Mainnet] at.
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But, in just a few steps, anyone can configure it to connect to the BNB Smart Chain, which opens up a whole new set of decentralized applications that run on the BNB ecosystem. Installing and Setting up MetaMask. Write down your secret recovery phrase and save it in a secure place. Check the network details and click [Approve].